R + D

unCooRdinated netwOrk StrategieS for enhanced interFerence, mobIlity, radio Resource, and Energy saving management in LTE-Advanced networks
View websiteThis project aims at developing architecture and technologies for implementing agile radio frequency (RF) transceiver capacities in future radio communication products. These new architecture and technologies will be able to manage multi-standard (multi-band, multi-data-rate, and multi-waveform) operation with high modularity, low-power consumption, high reliability, high integration, low costs, low PCB area, and low bill of material (BOM).CROSSFIRE is a Multi-Partner Initial Training Network (MITN) Marie Curie project that is focused on providing forward-looking solutions for Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) network co-existence, including aspects ranging from the physical layer such as co-channel interference and cognition to the user perception of the service, i.e., Quality of Experience (QoE). The project will analyze and propose network virtualization solutions for LTE-A networks, a technology which is envisioned to transform operation of cellular networks in the years to come.
IQUADRAT will develop advanced self-organization and self-optimization mechanisms in the LTE-A reference architecture. These advanced SON feature will include inter alia cognition as part of their core functionalities. Also we will provide an in-depth understanding of LTE-A network performance on the user experience about the offered services. We aim to bridge the gap between network level QoS and QoE as perceived by the end user. We aim to propose a set of QoE indicators that provide a more clear understanding on the user satisfaction under various networking conditions such as packet loss, download time and throughput. We also aim to validate the proposed set of mechanisms via real world implementation and experimentation.
Partners: University of Athens, Kings College London, Open University of Catalonia, CNRS, NEC Europe, Iquadrat, Steinwurf and Vodafone.
FP7 European Commission
september, 2012
august, 2016